Sport Trap Championship 2018 Southend Gun Club
Southend Gun Club Annual Sport Trap Championship
It was a cloudy day but not dull which was excellent for our annual Sport Trap competition on the 25th of March. As Tony Mihill was due to be refereeing along with Trevor Smith, Tony Matthews, Roy Russell and Keith Murray he was squaded 1st and started the proceedings.
The 50 bird shoot was laid out over 2 ranges of 25 with range B being the tougher. Some of the more regular shooters that take part in National Competitions remarked that Tony Matthews our resident Range Master had laid on a championship level shoot. A quick centre to left incomer caught many people out with the back drop making it look like it was rising more than it actually was.
So the 1st squads were out an a very respectable 40 was posted by Tony Mihill to take an early lead and it wasn’t until later in the day that Paul Burrows posted a 38 to be challenging him.
As always Barry Dobbs was behind the counter organising the squads and Deidre was making sure all of the members and guests were fed and watered. Many Thanks to you both.
By 3 O’clock it was all over and the 1st shooter of the day Tony Mihill’s score had won the day. The top 5 shooters were:

SGC Sport Trap Champion – Tony Mihill (40/50)
Runner Up – Paul Burrows (38/50)
3rd Place – M Burrows (36/50)
4th Place – Phil Butcher (34/50)
5th Place – K Peirse (31/50)
K Chambers (31/50)
A great days shooting was had by all and a big thank you to all the referees and the SGC Committee for organising the day.
Not being one to grumble, has you know, but in my opinion. This Competition was a Club Shoot (not a Open Shoot) and therefore the guests Paul Burrows & Mark Barrows, should not be listed in the results.
I would firstly like to offer my sincere congratulates Tony Mihill for his extremely good quality of shooting and concentration with Two round’s of Sportrap.
I had the great pleasure of refereeing him. Which I did really enjoy!
The total squad was outscored by Tony’s total score ( Stunning )
I must add it was no fiddle!
Superb = With one exception ( Last two birds first lay out)
( The easier Layouts )
He did TRY to shoot and make sure of the last pair = The T””t missed the pair.
( He shot Superbly )
I think I was more upset than him.
After the ABT which again The big bloke Once again excelled. And shot very well
This is a discipline he does not normally shoot.
As per the norm he then had to rush and help to referee and help when finished.
As most did not bother to help !!!!! Watching and playing pool
I think members should try to welcome guests (Not criticise and pick fault)
They pay extra and keep your costs down?
Southend Gun club HAS a terrible name for unfriendliness!
I might ad in most cases this is actually not so. This should be addressed!
But as members you should all help???
Last year at an OPEN SHOOT when non members should be welcomed.
I was totally ashamed to hear when all the normal people where working or shooting.
A visitor asked several members to referee or run a layout for them.
They were told ( I only come to shoot not work)(MEMBERS) To me this is not a good member.
To help a little goes a long way.
Keith . Barry Tony Matthews Trevor ( Now big Tony)
( Terrific honest Members for the club)
They can only support the lazy B&%£^&^ds for so long
Well Rant over . I stand by every word!
Even if this is my second bottle of wine
Best wishes to all
Roy Russell