Club Rules

Rules & Constitution

1. Name

The full name of the club shall be the Southend and District Gun Club, with the short title, Southend Gun Club.

2. Objects

The aims of the club shall be to foster and encourage the sport of clay target shooting and to improve the standard of shooting among members.

3. Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of the club shall consist of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer together with a minimum of 4 members of the club, all of whom shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting.

4. Quorum

Four members of the Executive Committee shall form a quorum.

5.Honorary Officers

The club at it’s Annual General Meeting may elect a President, Vice Presidents and other Honorary Officers. The Executive Committee shall have power to add to the number of Vice Presidents for the current year.

6.Membership of the Executive Committee.

All life members shall be entitled to be a member of the Executive Committee.

The life members at their first meeting following the AGM shall select the club members to fill the vacancies and positions as in rule 3.

7. Committee Vacancies & Sub Committees

The Executive Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancies during the current year and shall have power to form sub-committees as shall be required for special purposes.

8. Banking

All money received on behalf of the club shall forthwith be paid into the Bank account of the club. The Treasurer alone shall have the power to draw on the account and no cheques shall be drawn unless sanctioned by the Executive Committee and being signed by 2 members of the Executive Committee authorised to do so.

9. Debts and Liabilities.

No article shall be purchased or debts or liabilities incurred on behalf of the club by any person without the previous sanction of the Executive Committee.

10. Club property

The property of the club shall be vested in the Executive Committee.

11. Accounts

The accounts of the club shall be audited each year by Honorary Auditors appointed at a General Meeting of the club.

A copy of the audited accounts of the club shall be available for inspection by members, prior to the AGM.

The financial year shall be from 1st January to 31st December.

12. Subscriptions

The annual subscriptions of the club shall be £ ,(Juniors £       ) with an entry fee of £  (£       ) for the first year.

The subscription is due on the 1st January each year. If any member fails to pay his subscription by 1st February his name shall be removed from the list of members forthwith.

13. Affiliation

The Club shall be affiliated to the Clay Pigeon Shooting Association.

14. Annual General Meeting

The AGM of the club shall be held each year before 31st March and 14 days notice shall be given to each member.

Resolutions to be proposed at the meeting shall be given in writing to the Secretary at least 14 clear days before the date of the AGM.

“Any Other Business” at AGM’s not given to the Secretary (as above) shall be discussed only with the express permission of the Chairman.

15. Special General Meeting

On a petition signed by at least 15 Full members of the club being presented in writing to the Secretary, a SGM of all members shall be called within 30 days to consider the matter contained in the petition(s) only.

16. Bye-Laws

The Executive Committee shall have the power to form such Bye-Laws as they shall consider will be conducive to the good of the club and to the encouragement of the sport.

17. Life Membership

The Executive Committee shall have the power to award Life Membership of the club to any person for outstanding service to the club.

18. Membership

Applications for Membership. Applicants shall submit their name and address together with any other information the Executive Committee shall require, to the Secretary of the club.

When a membership vacancy exists then the Executive Committee shall consider all such applications and vote thereon.

It shall not be necessary to inform a rejected applicant of any reason for non-election.

19. New Members

The Secretary shall notify new members in writing, bringing to their notice the Rules and Bye-laws together with a request for any outstanding payments. Any such payment not being made within 30 days, the election shall be deemed void.

20. Probationary Members

New Members shall serve a probationary period of 12 months from the date of received subscription payment. If during this period the new member’s conduct warrants it, the Executive Committee shall have the power to terminate such membership.

Probationary members are not permitted to hold office on the Executive Committee nor vote at any General Meeting.

Associate Membership

All successful applicants for membership shall normally be granted “Associate” membership for the first three (3) years. Such class of membership shall confer all the rights and privileges of Full membership save that such members own a % of the Club.

An Associate member may apply for “Full” membership at any time after 3 years membership of the club.

21. Guests

Members shall have the right to introduce guests to practice shoots provided that any member so introducing a guest shall be liable for all debts incurred by him to the club. No member may introduce more than two guests at the same time.

22. Expulsion

The Executive Committee shall be empowered to request the resignation of any member if it be proved to their satisfaction that the conduct of the said member warrants it. In the event that the member fails to resign the Executive Committee may remove the member’s name from the list of members without further notice.

A member may appeal against such expulsion by giving written notice of appeal to the Secretary. The Secretary shall then call an SGM within 30 days to consider the appeal.

23. Alterations to Rule

Notice of intention to propose any new rule or alteration to an existing rule shall be given in writing to the Secretary in sufficient time to enable the Secretary to give 14 days written notice to all members. No rule shall be made, repealed or altered save for by a majority of full members voting in favour at an AGM.

24. General

Members must use such clay targets and cartridges as may be decided by the club and must pay for these before use.

It is a condition of membership that the club shall not be held responsible for any accident or injury incurred by members, their guests or visitors.


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Shooting Diary

At S&DGC there is a full diary of shooting which can be found on our shooting diary page.

How to find us

© 2025 Southend Gun Club. All rights reserved. Website by Silkstream

Southend Gun Club, Kiln Field, Ark Lane, Rochford, Essex SS4 1PD