This year’s Essex CPSA AGM was held at the White Hart pub/restaurant in Witham on the 5th of February 2019.
The agenda was:
- Apologies for absence
- 2018 AGM Minutes
- Matters Arising
- Chairmans Report
- Treasurers Report
- Committee Members Report
- Election of Chairperson
- Election of Committee
- Eastern Region Report
- CPSA National Report
- Colts & Juniors
The meeting was opened by the Chairperson Ian Schwier who welcomed everyone.
Apologies for absence were received from P McLaughlin, Cathy Curtis, Jerry Bland, John Wilmott, Troy Pretherbridge & Diane Boutcher.
2018 Minutes were agreed by all
Matters Arising – No matters arising
Chairperson’s report – Shooting across all disciplines was successful for Essex in 2018 & planned new Essex Compak tournament was hopefully going to be introduced in 2019 along with other disciplines in coming years.
Dave Bignell was thanked for his time on the Committee over the years and his service to the sport.
Treasurers Report – A fund has been allocated for the development of Colts & Juniors during 2019 but funds were looking good. Accounts for the previous period were agreed. A contribution by the CPSA’s regional Committee of £1500 had been received.
Committee Members Report –
Sporting– Oliver Wilde reported that the Essex team had performed well throughout 2018 but in a bid to get more results for Essex the team would not be picked through selection days but through the Captain hand picking the best shooters to represent the County.
English Skeet – Glen Defreitas talked about the great success of the Essex English Skeet team in 2018 with a win at one competition and great performances from individual team shooters including Tom McCluskey, Peter Stanton-Hope and Nigel Cullilane. Glen’s expectations for 2019 are high and like the Sporting team he will be hand picking individual shooters to represent Essex. Training/practice days will be arranged for the team including 2 dates to be arranged at Southend Gun Club.
Olympic Skeet – Although no team exists for Olympic Skeet in Essex at the moment Barry Dobbs talked about the decline on this discipline in the County and generally. The Committee agreed to do all they could to help rectify the situation with John Willis suggestion the Colts & Juniors come along to SGC for an Olympic Skeet try day. Barry Dobbs & John Willis agreed to discuss this further out of the meeting. The Committee also agreed to send a representative to any Olympic Skeet Comps to present prizes etc along with financial support when required.
Automatic Ball Trap – No report for this but generally discussed as a growing discipline. The 2019 ABT Championship is being held at Nuthampstead GC on the 2nd of March and a discussion was then held with a view to holding the 2020 Championship in Essex possibly Southend Gun Club.
Down The Line – Dave Bignell reported that the annual competition between Suffolk & Essex had been a great success apart from Suffolk winning and thanks were given to Mayland Gun Club for running the event.
Election of Chairperson – Ian Schwier re-elected
Election of Committee – All Committee members stood again except Dave Bignell who after many years on the Committee has decided to take a break. All were voted back in on mass, no objections. The Chairperson thanked Dave Bignell for his years of service to the Committee.
Eastern Region Report – No representative or report provided by the region
National CPSA Report – No representative or report provided by the region
Colts & Juniors – John Willis reported that things were going well and that we have some great Colt & Junior prospects. A new poster has been produced and passed out via social media to get more youngsters involved and in 2 days he has had 8 new Colts/Juniors contact him so the campaign seems to be working. John asked all clubs & groups to get involved with training and promotion.
AOB – Ian Schwier announced that during 2019 Essex CPSA will be introducing a Champion of Champions competition which will be shot over several disciplines in a league type event. The Committee have not yet formalised the format yet but will be announcing this on the Essex CPSA website & Facebook page.
Southend Gun Club offered to post any blogs the Essex CPSA Committee wished to supply.
The Committee provided a sumptuous buffet for all and to raise funds for the County a raffle took place which had plenty of donations from Eastern Sporting, Essex Gun, High Tower Gun Club, & Mayland Gun Club. Prizes included a gun bag, gun slip, shooting vouchers, chocolates and several bottles of alcohol. The raffle raised £210.00.
You can see the official AGM Minutes on the Essex CPSA Website at