The Golden Rules of Shooting

Many different Countries and gun clubs have their own sets of laws and regulations but here are some of the general for safe shooting where ever you are.

Safety 1st so follow these rules

  1. Always treat the gun as loaded – Ensure the gun is broken or has its safe flag in place at all times. This will ensure that everyone else will see it is safe.
  2. Keep the gun pointed in a safe direction – Whether you are walking to the range or shooting if you keep the gun pointing in a safe direction you lessen the chances of problems with other shooters and when shooting you will reduce the chance of anyone getting hurt if you have a discharge or gun malfunction.
  3. Ensure your finger is on the wood of the gun rather than on the trigger – If you do not put your finger onto the trigger until you are ready to shoot you cannot pull the trigger by accident, remember “wood is good”.
  4. Don’t load the gun until you are ready to shoot and in the shooting position – Without ammunition a gun is nothing but metal and wood you can’t shoot someone with it. DO NOT load your gun as you walk onto a stand.
  5. Don’t shoot if you think it is unsafe to do so – When shooting ensure you know where you are shooting and what is beyond it and if you do not feel it is safe to shoot then don’t. Watch for people and animals wandering into view or the range especially watch out for birds flying into the shooting area.
  6. Know your gun – make sure you know how to load/unload your gun as well as other characteristics like whether the safety catch is automatic or not.
  7. Listen to the Range Officer and obey there instructions – range or safety officers are there not only to make sure the rules of the sport are adhered to but to try and ensure safety is at the best point it can be. If you consistently disobey the rules you will be asked to leave the range and possibly the club.
  8. Be sure the barrels are clear before loading and shooting – obstructions can easily find their way into the barrels of your gun so before loading and shooting take a quick look down the barrels to ensure they are clear you do not want your gun exploding because of obstructions.
  9. Check to see that everyone has their Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) on – some people are so focused on shooting and going through their own routines that they forget the basics of range safety especially those in an in-depth chat with their mates so check all shooters are using their ear defenders and protective glasses are on before you commence shooting.
  10. Ensure you are using the correct ammunition – There are various different sizes of ammunition both in physical size and amount of propellant (gun powder or nitro) so be sure you know what can be used in your gun. The results of using the wrong ammo can be as little as a blocked gun but can also mean the gun explodes potentially killing you or someone else.

For the CPSA rules for gun safety follow this link to their publications page